Why Your Gas Oven Smells Like Fuel and How To Fix It?

Mar 20, 2022 | Appliance Repairs | 0 comments

Is your oven smelling like gas? If you don’t know the source of the smell, you need to get an oven repair service right away. Gas, although we use it often, can be dangerous. So, don’t waste time and have your oven checked by a reputable provider of  Viking appliance repair in San Francisco.

An oven smelling like gas even when you don’t use it can mean there’s a leak that can’t be detected. You’ll need the trained eyes of a professional technician who can perform outstanding Viking Appliance Repair in San Francisco to get your Viking oven fixed immediately.

We listed why your gas oven smells like gas when used and even when turned off. This way, you’ll know what to do before calling an expert:

Newly bought ovens.

For new ovens, the smell of gas can be alarming. Ensure you have removed every plastic and foam packaging before turning on your oven. Maybe you have forgotten a piece of plastic that melted and produced an unusual smell. If there is no plastic or any other packaging left, it might be the smell of a newly used oven, which can also be unpleasant. So, don’t worry.

If the smell is strong and smells like gas, then it’s time to get it checked. If you still have the receipt and warranty, you can return the oven and ask for a new unit.

A strong odor of gas when using the oven.

When you turn on your oven, you will smell a little gas because gas is released to create fire. But, if the smell doesn’t come away after a few minutes, do not continue using it. Quickly turn off your oven and check the gas tank. Open the windows so the gas can escape. When trapped inside and there’s a source of heat, gas can activate and become fire. So, call professionals right away to help you find the leak and fix the problem.

Your oven smells like gas even when turned off.

Keep in mind that there should be no smell of gas when your oven or any gas-powered appliances are turned off. So, if you smell gas coming from your oven even when it’s turned off, there is serious damage to your gas line. Immediately call a reputable appliance repair service provider to safely remove the gas tank and repair whatever is causing the smell.

What You Can Do If You Suspect a Gas Leak

If you think there is a gas leak, you can do these steps while you’re waiting for the technician to arrive:

  1. Immediately turn off the gas.
  2. Open windows to let the smell of gas escape.
  3. If there are any open flames, immediately extinguish them. 
  4. Wait for help from outside the house to ensure your safety.

These tips will help you prevent any accidents while waiting for your unit to get fixed. This way, you can be safe from possible gas tank explosions. Always be vigilant, be careful when dealing with gas tanks, and always let a professional do any repairs needed.

5 Steps To Ensure Your Oven Won’t Have Gas Leaks

We all know the Viking brand history and how the company is now the leading appliance company in the world. But, we cannot ensure that gas leaks won’t happen, even if we buy the most expensive oven available. Gas leaks are not from the appliance itself, but they could damage your unit and, worse, your home. So, don’t wait for the gas to leak; prevent it from happening using these 5 steps:

1. Always check your gas line.

Check your gas line whenever possible. This way, you can detect the slightest change that could lead to a gas leak. Remember to check on it before turning on your oven to ensure safe.

2. Get carbon monoxide detectors for your kitchen.

There are plenty of carbon monoxide detectors available in stores today. Get a few and install them in your kitchen and nearby rooms to easily detect gas leaks. This way, when the alarm goes off, you can immediately call a professional even if you don’t exactly know where on the gas tank the problem is.

3. Regularly clean your oven.

Regularly cleaning your oven can greatly help in preventing gas leaks. Sometimes, food spills, dirt, and grime can get stuck in holes where your gas goes to ignite your oven. If there is a blockage, you could expect a gas leak.  Therefore, give yourself time to clean your ovens at least once a week.

4. Start with the highest temperature setting.

When turning on your oven, ensure you are choosing the highest temperature. Then, you can control the temperature, which also controls the gas. It’s easier to control the gas this way than starting with the lowest temperature and adjusting it higher.

5. Don’t move your oven all the time.

When you have a gas oven and a tank, refrain from moving your unit all the time. You should also level your tank to prevent leakages that lead to life-threatening incidents.

Remember these tips to avoid accidents that could harm you and those near you. If you have trouble finding the cause of the smell, don’t hesitate to get a professional technician to help you out.

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